Thursday, June 9, 2011

Back to School Computers for Kids

With the knockout sales on computers during back to school shopping sales, it's a great time to think about updating your computer for your family, or for the kids.  The needs of your kids, with regard to a school computer, will vary based on age. 

Elementary students will have limited need for a personal computer at home, but may find it useful to research for different projects and topics in upper elementary grades.  Middle school students, on the other hand, may have greater need.  At high school levels, papers and research become more integral, and more research and printing will be entailed.

A good solution for the family with kids in many age and school levels, is a bundled package, including a desktop, monitor, and printer.   A desktop is sturdier, and will stand up to multi user handling.  Anchored in a common setting, it's able to be well supervised, and managed. 

For students who will be doing more research, writing, and printing, a netbook is an outstanding back to school computer choice.  A netbook will handle most web browsing, and will allow for good utility software, such as Microsoft Office for Students.  Invest in a wireless printer, if you want your child to be able to work from various rooms in the house. 

For the teenager, a netbook may be sufficient, but a laptop offers more memory and may be a better choice if your student expects to advance to a higher education institution.  Check out some of the most gifted computers, according to Amazon.